Thursday 7 March 2013


Kih kih...topic gedik.

Ala bukan ada orang baca pun kan?

Actually I posted this story after went through my fb and noted lots of my younger friends are getting married.

Wished them all the best. Marriage is a heaven. But u have to maintain it or it will be your hell though..hehe

Well, this year will be my 7th year of my marriage. How fast time flies!

I have 2 daughters now. My precious other than mu husband.

The memory of meeting my husbans is still fresh in my mind. We met actually in 2003. We were freshies in our first year of life as a medical student.

But we never talked to each other. He already had a girlfriend at that time. And after a while I also had a boyfriend during my second year in medical school.

And another reason is I hated him so much at that time. Haha! Why? Because he bombarded my group with a high tech question while we were presenting our topic during a seminar.
He really pissed me off..

So I'd been avoiding him since then.
Until in 2005 we were accidentally worked together in a community project. Yeah after that somehow i feel so comfortable with him.

He has been such a wonderful bestfriend. Yes. Bestfriend. Until now. He will be there whenever I need him. He wont backstab me. He will do everything for me. He is such a good councillor. He knows what and when to say things that I need to hear. He understands me so well!...oh I love u husband.

Since we have been together, he never let me go anywhere alone. Even to go to my class or for makan. Unless I go with my other friends la.

He will wait patiently in front of my dormitory block to accompany me to class (jalan kaki of course) or bring me out for makan. He will pick me up and send me back. Without fail..

Yeah, that's the word. CONSISTENT.

He loves me consistently since the first day we fall in love.

Geli heh? Hehe

And that's the reason I left my ex-boyfriend. And I never regret.

I love my husband so much. We are so clinging together and we will spend sometimes together no matter how busy we are. We will try our best to talk to each other and exchange stories about our daily lifes at work and also to ventilate all the anger, disappointment or anything..haha

He likes to describe our relationship as' serasi'.
We compliment each other. I accept his lacks as what he is and does he so.

So, can't wait for 3pm. Going back to see my babies and have spa today!

Yeehaa! Bye!

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